Epic-fun, Super-freaking awesome “Find & Stick Game” rules

  •  Acquire your game card at SID’24, GF 17/37 Foveaux St, Surry Hills.

  •  Follow our Instagram account to discover who are our Magic Unicorns and their magic words.

  • Find Magic Unicorns during the entire day/all locations + After Party to request your sticker, using magic word. Every Magic Unicorn will wear an identifier badge. There are super rare and cheat stickers, but Unicorns are shifty.

  • Snap a pix of your card the next day and DM us.

  • The First two with the most stickers will win the DiSFERA mirror, and the second two will win a set of high polished stainless steel Klaro coasters! 

Request digital SketchUp or Revit models



Klaro studio has developed a range of products to facilitate biophilic interior concepts with additional functionality of space definition and way-finding