2022 trends #1
We all know what 2021 was all about - catching up on 2019 unfinished business, literally
But what does the 2022 hold for us in store?
We have identified 3 key factors that will shape clients expectations in near future
1st is RESOURCE CONSERVATION, driven by world wide shortages of just about everything. One can be forgiven for thinking about this topic in recycling sense only.
However we consider all below points to be of equal importance, when considering furniture options.
1. modularity of furniture systems ensures best possible future proofing, by reducing the requirement for replacement with changing needs (e.g. TUBE workstation and table base system)
2. material optimisation reduces manufacturing waste (e.g. BASE seating system)
3. quality materials and manufacturing increase longevity (e.g. BENCH)
4. built for purpose furniture, reduces the need for multiple proprietary solutions, conserving cost (on a contrary to popular belief) and also space (e.g. dedicated desks designed for co-working space)